Sunday, March 15, 2009

This is crazy

  1. It has never taken me more than 3 months to find a new (and better paying) job.
  2. This is month 8
  3. I have had at least 12 interviews
  4. Half of those ended with said job being "put on hold"
  5. I have to change my strategy
  6. Now answering ads is waste of time, no replies the past 3 mos NONE
  7. Now using contacts, connecting reconnecting taking any and every meeting I can get
  8. Trying to cultivate an air of not being desperate
  9. feeling very desperate
  10. next meeting 2/17 with "X"_TV and "X
    "_Music Group
  11. I guess we are finding out why parents/grandparents who lived during depression of 1930's seemed paranoid and ridiculously frugal
  12. Wishing I had some of that paranoia and frugality when I threw away 100's of thousands on clothes , cars, trips, lipo, and even 10K on a matchmaker who, alas found me no match (but did quickly cash check)
  13. Considering new career as matchmaker